Command Line Interface

If running Symmetric Encryption v3, see Rake Tasks

Symmetric Encryption v4 now uses a standalone command line interface to:

If running Symmetric Encryption v3 or earlier, instead use: Rake Tasks

For the complete list of commands run:

symmetric-encryption --help

Since each environment has its own encryption keys it is necessary to run the these commands in the corresponding environment. However, this does not apply to generating the configuration file and to key rotation which can be run once in one environment and then moved/copied to the relevant environments.


Encrypt a file:

symmetric-encryption --encrypt large_file.csv --output large_file.csv.enc

Encrypt and compress a file (Recommended):

symmetric-encryption --encrypt large_file.csv --output large_file.csv.enc --compress

Decrypt a file:

symmetric-encryption --decrypt large_file.csv.enc --output large_file.csv

Count the lines in an encrypted file, without creating an unencrypted copy on disk:

symmetric-encryption --decrypt large_file.csv.enc | wc -l

Search for lines in an encrypted file, without creating an unencrypted copy on disk:

symmetric-encryption --decrypt large_file.csv.enc | grep "Hello"

Display the first few lines in an encrypted file, without creating an unencrypted copy on disk:

symmetric-encryption --decrypt large_file.csv.enc | head

Display the last few lines in an encrypted file, without creating an unencrypted copy on disk:

symmetric-encryption --decrypt large_file.csv.enc | tail

Generate a random password and display its encrypted form for use in config files, etc.:

symmetric-encryption --new-password

Prompt to enter a masked string and then encrypt it:

symmetric-encryption --encrypt --prompt

Prompt to enter an encrypted string and then decrypt it:

symmetric-encryption --decrypt --prompt



For the --prompt option above to work, the highline gem must be added to Gemfile first and then installed by running `bundle.

gem install 'highline'
Specify configuration file location

If the Symmetric Encryption configuration file has a different name or is stored in a directory other than the standard config/symmetric-encryption.yml, then it can be set using the environment variable SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG.

For example set the location of the Symmetric Encryption config file:

# Specify Symmetric Encryption config file so that it does not need to be specified at the command line every time.
export SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG="~/application/common/config/symmetric-encryption.yml"

Next => Key Rotation