
If running Symmetric Encryption v3, see v3 Configuration

The notes below apply to Symmetric Encryption v4 and above.

Add to Gemfile

Add the following line to your Gemfile after the rails gems:

gem 'symmetric-encryption'

Install using bundler:


Creating the configuration file

Generate the configuration file and encryption keys for every environment:

symmetric-encryption --generate


File Keystore

Create the directory where the output files will be created and secure it so that no other users can see the files:

mkdir ~/.symmetric-encryption

Once you have generated the configuration files, you will want to change the permissions on this directory; however, do not do this until after you’ve run the symmetric-encryption command:

chmod -R 0400 ~/.symmetric-encryption

If you see a “Permission denied” error when running symmetric-encryption, confirm that you have the ability to read, write, and access (i.e. execute) the directory.

Generate file keystore, using an application name of my_app. Create keystores for each of the environments development, test, preprod, acceptance, and production.

symmetric-encryption --generate --app-name my_app --environments "development,test,preprod,acceptance,production"


New configuration file created at: config/symmetric-encryption.yml

The following files were created:



Move the file for each environment to all of the servers for that environment that will be running Symmetric Encryption. Do not copy all files to every environment since each environment should only be able decrypt data from its own environment. If you generated your keys on a development machine, you may need to edit the symmetric-encryption.yml file to change the file_name path to reflect where the key files reside on each server.

When running multiple Rails servers in a particular environment copy the same key files to every server in that environment. I.e. All Rails servers in each environment must run the same encryption keys.

The file config/symmetric-encryption.yml should be stored in the source control system along with the other source code. Do not store any of the key files in ~/.symmetric-encryption in the source control system since they must be kept separate at all times from the above config/symmetric-encryption.yml file.

To meet PCI Compliance the above steps need to be completed by an Operations Administrator and not by a developer or software engineer. The developers should never have access to the key files, or have copies of them on their machines.

It is recommended to lock down the key files to prevent any other user from being able to read them:

chmod -R 0400 ~/.symmetric-encryption

Heroku Keystore

Specify Heroku as the keystore so that the encrypted encryption keys can be stored in Heroku instead of in files.

symmetric-encryption --generate --keystore heroku --app-name my_app --environments "development,test,production"

AWS KMS keystore

Symmetric Encryption can use the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to hold and manage the Key Encrypting Key (Customer Master Key).

This is the most secure keystore that Symmetric Encryption currently supports. By storing the master key in AWS KMS it cannot be read or exported, only used to encrypt or decrypt the data encryption keys. The encrypted data encryption key is stored locally on the file system since it has been secured by encrypting it with the AWS KMS Customer Master key.

Symmetric Encryption creates a new Customer Master Key in AWS KMS in every AWS Region and for every environment so that they can be managed and rotated directly from within the AWS KMS management interface.

AWS Dependencies

The AWS KMS gem is a soft dependency, which is only required when the AWS KMS keystore is being used by Symmetric Encryption. Add the following line to Gemfile when using bundler:

gem 'aws-sdk-kms'

If not using Bundler, run the following from the command line:

gem install aws-sdk-kms

Setting up the AWS Credentials:

In order to create new keys, or to rotate new keys using the AWS KMS, it is necessary to create the necessary AWS Credentials.

It is recommended to use a separate management AWS KMS credential to manage the keys. These credentials should be granted access to all KMS operations. See Access Control below for securing runtime privileges by environment.

Follow the AWS instructions for creating and setting the AWS credentials

Generating new data keys:

Once the AWS management credentials have been created and set, the new keys can now be generated.

When new keys are generated or rotated, they will be encrypted with the master key for every region specified. This allows data to be encrypted in one region and to be decrypted in another region during a disaster scenario.

By default the following regions are configured: us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1,us-west-2

The configured regions can be overriden by setting the --regions flag above.

Example: Generate New Keys for the first time, targeting the AWS keystore:

symmetric-encryption --generate --keystore aws --app-name my_app --environments "development,test,production"

Example: Rotate existing keys migrating to AWS for the new keys:

symmetric-encryption --rotate-keys --keystore aws --app-name my_app --environments production

Once the new keys have been generated, they should be moved to the relevant servers. By default the files are generated in ~/.symmetric-encryption unless the flag --key-path was used to change the path.

Setting a Region

The AWS region must be set on every server that uses Symmetric Encryption so that it uses the AWS KMS service in that region.

The simplest way to set the region is to set the AWS_REGION environment variable.

export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

See the AWS documentation for more options in setting the AWS Region.

Access Control

Each environment should have its own credentials and those credentials should be restricted to decrypting using the Customer Master Key (CMK) for that environment only. This prevents different environments from being able to decrypt the data encryption key (DEK) from another environment.

For each key, in each region change the permissions on the key itself so that only that environment’s AWS API user can access that key. For example, create a user rails_release for the release environment and limit it to decrypt authorization on the release key.

Google Cloud Platform KMS

Symmetric Encryption can use the Google Cloud Platform Key Management Service (KMS) to hold and manage the Key Encrypting Key.

Symmetric Encryption expects that you have already created a key and a keyring in GCP KSM. It is expected that the keyring name matches your application name and that your key name matches your environment name.

GCP KMS Dependencies

The GCP KMS gem is a soft dependency, which is only required when the GCP KMS keystore is being used by Symmetric Encryption. Add the following line to Gemfile when using bundler:

gem 'google-cloud-kms'

If not using Bundler, run the following from the command line:

gem install google-cloud-kms

Setting up the GCP Credentials:

You’re expected to have a service account with permissions for encryption/decryption using GCP KMS keys. Follow the GCP instructions for creating and setting credentials.

Setting GCP environment variables

You have to set GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable to the value of your project id at GCP console.

There is also an optional variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_LOCATION which can be set to your key location. If not set it is assumed that your key location is global.

Generating a key

You can generate a new key with the following command:

symmetric-encryption --generate --keystore gcp --app-name my_app --environments "development,test,production"

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