Rails Configuration with Symmetric Encryption v3:
If deploying to Heroku, see: Heroku Configuration
For a standalone environment without Rails, see: Standalone Configuration
Add to Gemfile
Add the following line to your Gemfile after the rails gems:
gem 'symmetric-encryption'
Install using bundler:
Creating the configuration file
Generate the configuration file and encryption keys for every environment:
rails generate symmetric_encryption:config OUTPUT_PATH
Save to version control
This configuration file should be checked into the source code control system. It does Not include the Symmetric Encryption keys. They will be generated in the next step.
Generating and securing the Symmetric Encryption keys
Once development and testing is complete we need to generate secure encryption key files for production. It is recommended that the step below be run on only one of the production servers. The generated key files must then be copied to all the production web servers.
Do not run this step more than once, otherwise new keys will be generated and any encrypted data will no longer be accessible.
Do not run this step on more than one server in each environment otherwise each server will be encrypting with it’s own key and the servers will not be able to decrypt data encrypted on another server. Just copy the generated files to each server
The symmetric encryption key consists of the key itself and an optional initialization vector.
To generate the keys run the following command once only in each environment:
Symmetric Encryption v4.0 and above:
symmetric-encryption --generate
Symmetric Encryption v3.0:
rails generate symmetric_encryption:new_keys production
Replace production
above as necessary for each environment.
Make sure that the current user has read and write access to the folder listed in the config file option key_filename.
Note: Ignore the warning about the key files “not found or readable” since they are being generated
Once the Symmetric Encryption keys have been generated, secure them further by making the files read-only to the Rails user and not readable by any other user. Change ownership of the keys to the rails user and only give it access to read the key files:
chown rails /etc/rails/keys/*
chmod 0400 /etc/rails/keys/*
Change rails
above to the userid under which your Rails processes are run
and update the path to the one supplied when generating the config file or
look in the config file itself
When running multiple Rails servers in a particular environment copy the same key files to every server in that environment. I.e. All Rails servers in each environment must run the same encryption keys.
Note: The generate step above must only be run once in each environment
Supporting Multiple Encryption Keys
According to the PCI Compliance documentation: “Cryptographic keys must be changed on an annual basis.”
During the transition period of moving from one encryption key to another symmetric-encryption supports multiple Symmetric Encryption keys. If decryption with the current key fails, any previous keys will also be tried automatically.
By default the latest key is used for encrypting data. Another key can be specified for encryption so that old data can be looked in queries, etc.
Since just the Symmetric Encryption keys are being changed, we can still continue to use the same RSA Private key for gaining access to the Symmetric Encryption Keys
Configuring multiple Symmetric Encryption keys
Create a configuration file in config/symmetric-encryption.yml per the following example:
# Symmetric Encryption for Ruby
# For the development and test environments the test symmetric encryption keys
# can be placed directly in the source code.
# And therefore no RSA private key is required
development: &development_defaults
key: 1234567890ABCDEF
iv: 1234567890ABCDEF
cipher_name: aes-128-cbc
<<: *development_defaults
# Since the key to encrypt and decrypt with must NOT be stored along with the
# source code, we only hold a RSA key that is used to unlock the file
# containing the actual symmetric encryption key
# Sample RSA Key, DO NOT use this RSA key, generate a new one using
# openssl genrsa 2048
private_rsa_key: |
# List Symmetric Key files in the order of current / latest first
# Filename containing Symmetric Encryption Key encrypted using the
# RSA public key derived from the private key above
key_filename: /etc/rails/.rails.key
iv_filename: /etc/rails/.rails.iv
# Encryption cipher_name
# Recommended values:
# aes-256-cbc
# 256 AES CBC Algorithm. Very strong
# Ruby 1.8.7 MRI Approximately 100,000 encryptions or decryptions per second
# JRuby 1.6.7 with Ruby 1.8.7 Approximately 22,000 encryptions or decryptions per second
# aes-128-cbc
# 128 AES CBC Algorithm. Less strong.
# Ruby 1.8.7 MRI Approximately 100,000 encryptions or decryptions per second
# JRuby 1.6.7 with Ruby 1.8.7 Approximately 22,000 encryptions or decryptions per second
cipher_name: aes-256-cbc
# Any previous Symmetric Encryption Keys
# Only used when old data still exists that requires old decryption keys
# to be used
key_filename: /etc/rails/.rails_old.key
iv_filename: /etc/rails/.rails_old.iv
cipher_name: aes-256-cbc